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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

AWSOME !!! Simpleology

I came across with something, called Simpleology. The founder of this unique and revolutionary complex solution is Mark Joyner - who is a visionary and I want to thank him for coming up with the idea of Simpleology.

I used the word "solution" and you probably wonder... "solution to what"? Well, that's - my friend - the beauty of these self-improvement courses ... A SOLUTION TO practically ANYTHING that can come up in your life !! That's why I truly believe that it must work for everybody - at least to all of who can let go of our ego for a second and can admit that we are not perferct....

Mark Joyner's step-by-step, day-by-day little couses, practices help you understand what's keeping you from succeeding, or if you are already somewhat successful, Simpleology will help you harvest that beyond your wildest dreams.

In everything you do... quite frankly, THE KEY IS "YOU". You're the one needs to make decisions and take actions to better your situation.

Here is just a little quote from the book "Simpleology, The Simple Science of Getting What You Want" -- just to give you a better idea about this wonderful program:

"I have no idea what you want.
I have no business telling you what to want.
My job is to help you get it - whatever it is.
Simple*ology, as a system of seeing the world and acting in the world of your desired effects, will do just that.
Not only will you get what you want, but you'll get it faster and with the least possible effort.
Notice, I said "least possible effort" -- not "easy".
If you want a bogus rah-rah self-help manual that blows a song of sunshine up your back door, than you've got the wrong book. " [...]

If that got your attention, you might wanna check out their website at: .

As a part of Simpleology, there is a course on blogging, too.

I'm evaluating a multi-media course on blogging from the folks at Simpleology. For a while, they're letting you snag it for free if you post about it on your blog.

It covers:

  • The best blogging techniques.
  • How to get traffic to your blog.
  • How to turn your blog into money.

I'll let you know what I think once I've had a chance to check it out. Meanwhile, go grab yours while it's still free.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Free Listbuilding Software

I'm evaluating a viral listbuilding software tool from the folks at
If it will work as it says in the demo, this could be the fastest, simplest and easiest way to build your list that I've seen in a long while... So I am very excited!!!

Here's all you do...

  • Create a short ad that promotes your newsletter or ezine

  • Add some code to the pages of your website

  • ... sit back and watch your list grow.

ListHero helps you generate 1,000's of highly targeted subscribers for free and pays you generous affiliate commissions as your list grows.

I'll let you know what I think of it once I've had a chance to check it out. Meanwhile go grab access to this FREE viral listbuilding software while it's still free.

Here is the video:

ListHero Is The Fastest, Easiest, Simplest

Way To Build Your List For Free...

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I've been thinking lately - what am I doing wrong, why am I not getting the results I'm hoping for in this "internet business"... and I think I got some answers to my questions.

I was just wondering if anybody else is feeling the same way as I do and I would really like to hear your experience.

It's not really about the "results I'm hoping for"... it's more like about the "results they are promising"!!! By now, you probably know what I'm talking about... all these "How I made this and that much in this little time..." and "with this system XY from Wherever {testimonials on and on} made this and this much and you can too..." blah, blah, blah...YOU KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT, RIGHT?
And than you buy the product, and wait for the fortune to happen.... but it likely will not...

But than I finally started to come across with people who have experienced the same thing... so instead of reading new and new advertisements, I started reading other people's blogs (real people) and somehow I came across with a FREE E-BOOK, called "SUCCESS IN 10 STEPS", and boy I'M GLAD I did!!!

They are network marketers who took a different approach and instead of trying to sell you something, they mentor people for FREE!!! I did not get to read the whole book yet, but IF YOU HAVE EVER CONSIDERED MLM or NETWORK MARKETING - YOU MUST READ THAT BOOK !!! SERIOUSLY. And don't worry!! It is FREE and they don't mention any companies, no affiliate links, no nonsense.... ONLY HOPE!!! They give you hope and they give your confidence back, by assuring you that it's not your fault that you have failed in network marketing or MLM.

So for your own sake, read it...

Aniko Torok


Even if you are a newbie, you have most likely already came accross with the term "AFFILIATE MARKETING"....

Affiliate marketing is when you sign up with Clickbank or Paydotcom for free and you sell other people's stuff. This could be a great way to make some money, if you do it right, as you don't have to worry about coming up with an idea what to sell and how to sell.

These are definetly the best parts of affiliate marketing. No inventory, no worries. You don't have to create a product or service, all you have to do is just advertise somebody else's products. Most of the time they even supply you with a mini-site (with hosting !!!) , with pre-written PPC ads, even articles or blog entries - if you get lucky. THAT IS AWESOME as you don't really encounter any expenses...

On the other hand ... that's kinda the problem with this business too, because all affiliates are using the same exact mini-site and most of the times the same exact ads too.

You can spice it up a little, personalize it, but than you might make a fatal mistake, because all that stuff, they are giving you to advertise, is already tested and the makers of the given product have already spent a lot of money on hiring professional sales copy righters. So most likely, the marketing material is as good as it gets, and if you change something it might lose effectiveness... but you can try :-)

Anyways, as I was saying, these sales copies are written by professionals who know how to pressure the viewer psychologically to make them buy whatever is on that page!! That's what the whole thing is about ... right? THAT IS EXACTLY THE REASON, WHY YOU HAVE BOUGHT INTO IT TOO. RIGHT?
And another fact... statistically proven, that a person who has already bought something online, is almost sure to buy again in the future. The same thing applies in the world of affiliate marketing. Once you have bought a product (e-book, software, system, coaching program or anything else you can imagine), it's almost 100% sure that you will buy something again.

How do you turn down the next offer? Because I know if for myself that I CAN'T !!!

I have bought so much stuff already that it's not even funny, but I never really got to use any of it... WHY??? BECAUSE IT'S DESIGNED LIKE THAT !!! They purposely flood your mind with all this info, so you lose control!! You get so overwhelmed by all that information that you just start jumping from one thing to another and never finish anything, because the next morning a new hype is waiting for you eagerly in your inbox (or who-knows-where-else) and pressuring you to buy... that you must have this new thing, because what you just got yesterday, is already "yesterday's news"....

I can take the criticism, so if any of you have a solution to this problem, please enlighten me.


Please don't hesitate to post your opinion.
Aniko Torok


I've been thinking lately - what am I doing wrong, why am I not getting the results I'm hoping for in this "internet business"... and I think I got some answers to my questions.

I was just wondering if anybody else is feeling the same way as I do and I would really like to hear your experience.


I've been trying to create some extra income from home for about 6 years now.

Of course I started with basic things like:
  • getting paid for reading emails
  • getting paid for participating in surveys, even
  • getting paid for being in focus groups.

Actually all of these work!!! They did for me at least... Of course you're not gonna make 100s of $s, but you can get an extra $10-$20 /month for reading the emails (I have a really good experience with inboxdollars - they have been around for I don't know how long and I never had problems with them), you can get an extra $20-$30 / month for the surveys and the focus groups really depend on where you live and other various factors (like how old are you, and what do you do for a living, do you have any kids, and how much is your annual income...etc).

For example, we used to live in Las Vegas and in the Venetian casino, there is a focus group, called MRC and they paid - I think - $60 to participate in a focus group about credit cards (a credit card company wanted to research, which "face" would consumers prefer on the credit card, what rewards would they prefer and which tv advertisement they found the most effective...etc). The whole process took about 45 minutes and we got the $60 on the spot.

Than - after we moved to Los Angeles - we were looking for other focus groups and we came across with Brenda's Recruiting. That is also a great agency! They call you up if you are available to watch a movie trailer on a certain day at a certain time and after that you participate in a focus group about the movie or tv show and than you get paid when it's over.

And you can also find online focus groups - I was part of one of those too, I think it was called the Brian Institute or something like that... I can't remember right now... but if you are interested, I can look it up for you in my old emails, just shoot me an email at and I'll give you the details.

So these things are really cool, BUT surveys can be REALLY time consuming. Most of the time you don't know how long a survey is going to take and it's just going on and on and on with the questions and than - my "favorite" - they tell you that you did not qualify for the survey...
BUT if you do qualify and complete the survey, they DO PAY YOU. So it's not a rip-off... just it can be real bummer when you wasted all that time for nothing. But - as I said - they do pay and you are able to see your earnings online. Most of the times you get the credit instatly, sometimes it takes a few days. Some survey companies don't have a minimum payout amount (I was even able to get a check for $2 ... :-D ) but some of them ask you to accumulate at least $20-$30 before they issue your check... and some of they offers to pay by paypal too.

So if you need details on which surveys have worked for me, or if you care to share what has worked for you, or if you have information about some scam that does not work and you got ripped off by one of those scam artists, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO SHARE YOUR OPINIONS AND EXPERIENCES.

Aniko Torok

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